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Episode 46: Carlo Gambino
On Episode 46, We delve into the life of Carlo Gambino, former boss of the Gambino family for nearly 20 years, he came up working for both the D'Aquila and Masseria mob organizations, before being made a capo in the Mangano family, following the creation of the 5 families, he continued to garner power, becoming Albert Anastasia's consigliere, then underboss, before Gambino took him out and began his 20 year run as head of the family that bears his name, I hope everyone enjoys today's episode and tunes back in next week for Episode 47<br/><br/>Please give us a follow on our socials-<br/>Instagram and Twitter: @theblackhandpod<br/><br/>Sources:<br/>Background Music:Music: Dark Flashes by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com<br/>Intro Music:Music: Void Glider by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com<br/>Intro audio sources:Lufthansa clip belongs to The Fox Corporation“New York City is a warzone” clip belongs to CBS Broadcasting Inc.Joey Gallo and “Leave by violence” clip belongs to the American Broadcasting Company<br/><br/><br/><br/>Support the show