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Episode 5: Amelia Earhart Literacy Community
Welcome, everyone, to the next episode of Provo City School District's “What's Up With the Sup” podcast. I am Superintendent Wendy Dau. This week, I will be speaking with Ladale Tobler, a third grade teacher, and Olivia Guanuna, a sixth grade student, both from Amelia Earhart Elementary. We will be discussing the Amelia Earhart Literacy Community. But first, here are our updates. The next school board meeting will be next week on Tuesday, September 12th. The study session will begin at 4:40 p.m. and will be held in Boardroom 1 at the district office. The business meeting will start at 7:00 p. m. and will be held in the professional development center at the district office. Both meetings are open to the public and the agendas will be published on Monday. You can look over those agenda items and if there's anything that's of interest to you, please make sure that you attend those meetings or watch on our YouTube channel. SEP conferences for secondary schools are coming up on September 19th through the 21st. .Look for more information from your student's school. We invite everyone to the “Get the Scoop on CTE” event, Monday, September 25th from 5 to 8 p. m. at Provo High School. Learn about CTE pathways and future career opportunities. Plus, you get free ice cream. What could be better than that? If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, remember to send in your application.The deadline is September 28th, and yes, this process does need to be completed every year. The Foundation's “Links for Kids” golf tournament will be held on September 28th. If you are interested in participating, please visit foundation.provo.edu. Continue to check your school's website, calendar, and social media for important information and dates. And please remember to update your information in PowerSchool. This process also needs to be done annually as it allows the schools and the district to contact you with important information and in emergency situations. And stay tuned, weekly videocast will be coming from me on Friday. Now to our Community Connections segment. This week we do not have any new community questions, so if you have any topics or questions you would like us to discuss on the podcast, please email us at podcast@ provo.edu. And now on to our podcast. My two guests today are both from Amelia Earhart Elementary. First, we have Ladale Tobler, a third grade teacher, and a sixth grade student, Olivia Guanuna. Both of them are going to talk with us today about the Earhart Literacy Community, which is a pretty exciting way for our students and our entire Amelia Earhart community to get excited about reading. Wendy: Welcome to our show. Ladale: Thank you. I'm excited to be here. Wendy: So, how long have you been at Amelia Earhart? Ladale: This is my ninth year teaching here. Wendy: Oh my goodness. And how many years have you been in teaching total? Ladale: This is my 22nd year. Wendy: Oh my goodness. So you know all about this. Like this is, this is old hat to you. This is good. Okay. I'm excited. Tell us a little bit about the Earhart Literacy Community. Ladale: Well, we started the Earhart Literacy Community about eight years ago because we wanted to get good literature in the hands of our kids. And we wanted to provide an opportunity for students to be exposed to lots of different genres to help them find what they love about reading, and to make it fun and exciting. And we wanted to get everybody involved. Teachers, other staff at the school, parents, everybody to find their love of learning to read and enjoy being immersed in reading. Wendy: That's exciting. So tell me about some of those. What are some of the different types of genres that you have focused on? Ladale: We have done biographies, fantasy, we've done history, chapter bo