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Episode 50: A World Cup preview ... kind of
In this episode, our heroes make a preview of the FIFA 2022 World Cup, which is being held in the solid footballing nation of Qatar, and about 15 games into the tournament, so it's not really a preview, but our heroes, dear Kyle and dear Rob both equally feel that people miss the previews. Probably. Plus they don't really preview it and go off topic loads of times. But hey, nobody cares - least of all them, mon cherries. But let's look on the bright side - dear Kyle recently won the something-or-other cup for dear Firhouse which makes him essentially a World Cup winner if you will. Will you? Finally check out our new podcast illustration by dear Kyle's father in law, dear Tim. That's cool, isn't it? More of his incredible art is available to view, enjoy and admire from his IG page at https://www.instagram.com/tubatim33/ Follow the pod at www.2manypodcasts.com if you like. It's not mandatory. Sadly. The music at the end of this episode is called "Were Goin' To Jail" from the forthcoming bizarre record called The Reprobates, Part 2 by dear Rob which is out next February for some reason. If you wish to pre-add it to your Spotify or Apple Music or whatever, please visit here https://lnk.to/TheReprobatesPart2 - again, not mandatory. Sadly.