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Episode 546 - What’s going on with whale’s behaviour
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When whales and humans interact the results can be confusing and messy for both sides. Whether it be noisy boat propellers, or orcas on a collision course, humans and whales don't always get on. How can we monitor and track how whales respond to humans. The best ways of monitoring animals is often with tags, but the very act of tagging can ruin what you're trying to study.
Lars Reiter Nielsen, Outi M. Tervo, Susanna B. Blackwell, Mads Peter HeideāJørgensen, Susanne Ditlevsen. Using quantile regression and relative entropy to assess the period of anomalous behavior of marine mammals following tagging. Ecology and Evolution, 2023; 13 (4) DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9967
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