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Episode 55- Reinvention with Andi Hess (Generator)
Welcome back to another exciting episode of the "Life and Business by Human Design" show! In this installment, we're joined by the remarkable Andi, a hypnotherapist and reinvention coach, for an enlightening conversation about her journey, unique experiences, and the power of embracing your human design. Let's dive right in!<br/>Andi delves into her background, sharing her transition from a decade-long career as a university professor to her current role as a hypnotherapist and reinvention coach. She emphasizes her passion for helping individuals clear their subconscious blocks and achieve their goals.<br/><br/>The conversation takes an insightful turn as Andi shares her journey filled with trial and error. From retail management and corporate training to raising chickens and turkeys, she has embraced a diverse range of experiences. Andi's story underscores the value of responding to opportunities and finding alignment even amid challenges.<br/><br/>Andi's deep-seated fascination with reinvention shines through as she discusses how it became a central theme in her work. Her integration of hypnotherapy into her coaching practice offers a transformative tool for clients seeking personal growth and self-discovery.<br/><br/>An engaging discussion unfolds about the concept of "responding" in human design. Andi reflects on her personal evolution, realizing that her most fruitful endeavors have emerged from responding to external stimuli. This revelation has led her to shift from pushing for ideas to allowing them to flow naturally through collaboration and conversation.<br/><br/>As the conversation draws to a close, Andi's journey comes full circle. She highlights how understanding and embracing her human design type, 4/6 Generator, has been a guiding light. <br/><br/>Andi's story serves as an inspiring reminder that embracing our authentic selves and responding to life's cues can lead to profound transformations and lasting success.<br/><br/>Tune in next time as we continue to explore the fascinating world of human design and its impact on our lives and businesses. Until then, remember to respond to the world around you and let your unique journey unfold organically.<br/><br/>Connect with Andi atwww.remixcoach.com FB & IG: @remixcoaching<br/>You can get the full episode on your fave podcast app now viaApple Podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/life-and-business-by-human-design-with-caroline-lynda/id1479190095 Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/1JCVn2E1eZr0RQaooM1bj4?si=sJq22xoySxeQ4yTNbwiUbQ&dl_branch=1 Grab your copy of my free 5 Ways to Use Human Design to Grow and Scale Your Business Today guide by clicking here!Find the show at https://www.lifeandbusinessbyhumandesign.comMy Business Website- https://www.carolinelynda.com Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/caroline_lynda_coach If you enjoyed this episode be sure to hit Subscribe or Follow where ever you enjoy it and join me next week for another episode. I would also love if you could leave a rating, review or comment to help me get this show out to more people.<br/><br/>