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Episode 59: Taps Aff (Tracksuit On) with Daniel Muggleton
Some Laugh Live Shows on Sale Now: Edinburgh Fringe 15th & 23rd August: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/some-laugh-live<br/>London Saturday 9th September: https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/whats-on/words/some-laugh/<br/><br/>This week Stuart and Marc are joined by Australian comedian Daniel Muggleton. With it roasting outside, Dan asks the boays about the phrase "taps aff", explains why he always wears his signature Adidas tracksuit onstage, and how he ended up opening for fellow-Aussie Jim Jefferies at the Manchester Arena. Plus, Dan discusses the differences between the UK and Australian comedy scenes, reveals the most piercing heckle he's ever received and recalls how his backgrounds in both studying law and hosting pub quizzes set him up well for comedy.<br/><br/>A video version of this podcast is available on YouTube, where you can subscribe for all future episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxeugCQL5zyVhd7pCEAi9GA<br/><br/>Dan's Edinburgh Fringe show "How The Whitey Have Fallen" is on at Cabaret Voltaire from 3-27th August. Tickets here: https://tickets.edfringe.com/w....hats-on/daniel-muggl <br/><br/>We're now on Patreon! Sign up for exclusive access for as little as £3 per month:<br/>https://www.patreon.com/somelaugh<br/><br/>Tickets for all three of the boays' Edinburgh Fringe shows in August and various work-in-progress shows are ON SALE NOW!<br/>Marc: www.marcjenningscomedy.com/gigs<br/>Stu: https://linktr.ee/StuartMcP<br/>Steve: https://linktr.ee/stephenbuchanan<br/><br/>You can follow Some Laugh on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok - and please remember to leave a 5 star review!Support the show