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EPisode 6: Stories with Krysta Voskowsky
FORGET ME NOT DIARIES August 20th, 2023 Episode with Krysta Voskowsky Hey friends! This week's episode was so fun to produce, and I hope you all enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed the time together! Krysta is one of our good friends who we know best from her and her friend Haley's creative writing group: CreativiTea Alaska! Krysta is such a beautiful soul and a joy to be around, she is a wonderful author working on her memoir and business: 11:11 Author Services! She helps authors with creating and maintaining their author platform and growing their audience! Links for Show NotesWe are contactable at: fmndiariespodcast@gmail.com @forgetmenot.diaries on InstagramEmail Krysta at Hello@KrystaV.com Visit KrystaV.comJoin our next CreativiTea meetup: @creativitea_alaska on InstagramBurials and Funerals in Alaska: [https://www.vice.com/en/articl....e/wd7q3y/burying-the Price Chopper: [https://www.pricechopper.com/] The history of Alaska: USA bought chunk of Russia and called it Alaska https://www.loc.gov/rr/program//bib/ourdocs/alaska.html#:~:text=Prints%20and%20Photographs%20Division.&text=On%20March%2030%2C%201867%2C%20the,United%20States%20Edouard%20de%20Stoeckl. Get your ADHD meds filled from the lower 48 :https://www.ppsrx.com/health/p....ps?redirectUrl=/rx/d “Old Mother West Wind” by Thornton Burgess [https://www.gutenberg.org/file....s/2557/2557-h/2557-h “So Far from the Bamboo Grove” by Yoko Kawashima Watkins [https://www.amazon.com/Bamboo-....Grove-Yoko-Kawashima