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Episode 7: Catie's Story
Welcome back to another episode of the FMN Diaries Podcast! Thank you all for being here. On today's episode, we go on a deep dive with our good friend Catie, on her life, and especially her experiences within the Alaskan dating scene! Up here it's a different breed, I'm telling ya!! Catie takes us through some of the worst, and funniest, moments of her dating life, and also gives us some insight into what she is looking for now after experiencing all she has in life. Catie is such a unique soul, who is always down for a good time and isn't here for the BS that life throws at you. She is a trooper who keeps fighting for what she wants and believes in. I'm so excited to have you hear her side of things! And as always thanks for listening. {Show notes links to be added at a later date]