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Episode 7: Dating: Relationships + Situationships + Ghosting
"We are here to help you on the journey to go a little bit faster."<br/><br/>Tina and Sara are back to share some of their experiences in the dating world as well as tips to spotting red flags and preventing future heartbreaks. Tune in to these two weekly and be sure to like, share and subscribe!<br/><br/>-Mentioned in this episode-<br/><br/>VERSED Apparel <br/>https://www.versedinc.com/?ref=92eiyx... <br/>(coupon code: FEARLESS QUEENS for 15% off)<br/>Pruvit Supplements <br/>https://tinabetter.shopketo.com/learn <br/>More of Tina here:<br/>https://direct.me/tinabetter<br/>Instagram: @tinamkafka<br/>More of Sara here:<br/>https://linktr.ee/sara.quiroz
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