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Episode #7, The Vegas Alien family, Disney stock plummet, The Haunted Ventriloquist Doll, The Marvels Budget, The Tip of The Flat Earth, and the Dirty/naughty Conspiracy.
In tonight's fun-filled episode, During our discussion, we'll cover a range of interesting topics. Firstly, we'll talk about the Las Vegas family that became famous for having an 8-foot-tall alien in their yard. Next, we'll laugh at Disney's stock value losses. We'll also explore the eerie world of haunted ventriloquist dolls. Something weird happened when we talked about the Doll, and I had to laugh it off. I'm surprised by the budget for The Marvels film and I don't think it will do well at the box office. We'll touch upon the Flat Earth conspiracy. And lastly, we'll explore fun, dirty, and naughty conspiracy theories.Here is my video, Lets talk about the Las Vegas UFO crash and possible Alien sighting!!! link https://youtu.be/NUcY3KuxN6IFollow me on,Facebook - Aliens ScunnyTwitter - rareeddie1Email me @ aliensofscunny@gmail.comYouTube - Rareeddie1Rumble - Rareeddie1