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Episode 70: special guest Daniel Day Lewus
You wanted him, we got him. In this dear episode of 70, we pull out the big guns and bring the great, and frankly noble, Daniel Day Lewis to the pod. He talks about his beginnings in the oil trade, his "bastard in a basket" (his words) son H.W., his time in Ireland, as well as his admiration for an all milkshake. Some can of piss, isn't he? Also in the pod, Rob is in New Zealand covering the women's World Cup for the pod, despite the fact Ireland's games are in Australia. Plus talk of a LIVE PODCAST EVENT is taking shape. Basically, we're gonna do the podcast in a live setting somewhere and if you wanna come, let us know. If not, then that's cool. We won't take any offence to it because, and we gotta be honest here, we prefer to do it behind closed doors cause we'll be on the piss and we need toilet breaks and shit. You'll only want to be entertained. We don't entertain. Let me entertain you, said Robbie Williams, we're the opposite of that. We want booze and chats.