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Episode 74: we're not doing episode 73 (out of respect)
Dear listeners. As I'm sure you're aware, the previous episode was number 72. But for obvious reasons we can't do episode 73 - out of respect (or 'dear respect' as we like to say), so we're skipping straight to episode 74. I'm sure you can understand. This is a righteous episode of manic shit such as not one but two public service announcements regarding boozing. On that note, we deliver an update with Kyle's moving-to-Dallas situation such as "how are you gonna serve Guinness in the lone star state?" Also Kyle divulges some information about his next door neighbour's Instagram etiquette and it's fucked up. Not fucked up as in doing something illegal such as gun running or bootlegging scotch, but fucked up nonetheless. It's also totally pointless. Such is the bit about tattoo regret. But such is most things in life. I mean, when the sun becomes a red giant in approx 3.5 billion years and ends the earth as we know it, what will be left? No survivors but recordings of lads on podcasts who may or may not like their tattoos. Live in the moment, people. Live in the now!!! But most importantly our heroes discover that other podcasts - particularly Irish podcasts - are ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SHIT. There are too many podcasts and, you know what? We know we're not helping. Music at the outro is The Freaks Come Out At Night by The Swedish Railway Orchestra. Rob, mon cherie, made it. We can't afford to license other music, sorry.