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Episode 8: Morning Routine
Morning Routine = “Owning your morning then owning your day and then essentially owning your week, your month, your life.”Tune in as Tina and Sara share their morning routines with you and the importance of having one! -Mentioned in this episode-VERSED Apparel <br/>https://www.versedinc.com/?ref=92eiyx... <br/>(coupon code: FEARLESS QUEENS for 15% off)Pruvit Supplements <br/>https://tinabetter.shopketo.com/learn Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod<br/>https://miraclemorning.com/books/The Greatest Salesman In the World by Og Mandino<br/>https://www.ogmandino.com/books/ More of Tina here:<br/>https://direct.me/tinabetter<br/>Instagram: @tinamkafkaMore of Sara here:<br/>https://linktr.ee/sara.quiroz
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