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Episode 8: Rest with Colleen Riley
In this episode, Taylor Williams hosts Colleen Riley who is a Commissioner for The Salvation Army USA Western Territory. She is also the Territorial President of Women's Ministries.
The USA Western Territory includes the USA states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Guam, as well as the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated Staes of Micronesia and the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas.
The Salvation Army was incorporated as a religious and charitable corporation in the State of California in 1914 as 'The Salvation Army' and is qualified, along with its several affiliated separate corporations, to conduct its affairs in all of the states of the territory.
Languages in which the gospel is preached: Cantonese, Charmarro, Chuukese, English, Hmong, Korean, Laotian, Mandarin, Marshallese, Filipino, Pohnpeian, Portuguese, Spanish and Tlingit.
In this episode Colleen shares with us about the topic of Rest.
You can learn more about Colleen and The Salvation Army Western Territory at https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/
You can learn more about Arrow Leadership at https://www.arrowleadership.org