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Episode 8: Toxic Parent Relationships
DISCLAIMER THIS EPISODE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ON ADDICTIONS, DRUG USE, SEXUAL ABUSE, AND VERBAL ABUSE.It's another week of the FMN Diaries podcast, and this week is a tough one. We've all had hardships in our relationships, and sometimes parent-child relationships are no exception. As a child, there is a love for your parents that can be hard to criticize. You owe your life to this person, but after a while, I think we all have to forgive ourselves, forgive them, and let go to move on and into better days. Whatever that looks like for you, we are right there with you. These are our stories, and partly our family's stories and they aren't easy. It's complicated, tragic, heartbreaking but it's also hopeful, and healing, and growth. So, we hope you resonate with this week's episode. and as always, like, subscribe, and follow to hear more, We are on Instagram at @forgetmenot.diariesEmail us at fmndiariespodcast@gmail.com