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Episode 9: Hot Tub Time with Kaila
Welcome back to the podcast! We are so excited to share this interview with you guys, as one of our good friends it means so much more that Kaila is literally Forget Me Not Diaries biggest fan. Kaila and Tyra have been best friends for years now, and I have had the pleasure by proxy of getting to know her! She is a beautiful person, who is so heartfelt, understanding, and strong. I feel like you become a better person just by knowing Kaila and we feel so honored to. This podcast was recorded the day after Kaila's wedding in the Utah/Arizona desert, and on our trip to see her in Vegas for her Bachelorette Party. Which was a blast and a half! We had so much fun on this trip, that we clearly couldn't stop the party; evidence to that fact being that we recorded this episode in the hot tub that Kaila and I first ever hung out in! What a trip. Join us as we delve into the craziness that was Kaila's wedding, the blessings and loved ones who surround us daily, and the friendships we've created over the years. Thank you and as always we love you. xoxo Tyra and Brea