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Episode 92 - SX3 - Toxic Diet Culture is CANCELED w/ Jaiana Francis 🥒🍰
Hello Strong Sunflowers, Diet culture is CANCELED and if you didn’t know, now you KNOW. This week on the podcast we interviewed holistic health coach Jaiana CEO of Boss Babe Fitness Academy. She believes in helping you transform your body without dieting or spending hours at the gym. Sustainably reaching your physical goals without having to give up the foods we love. Jaiana share’s nutritional tips and why eating for your body type and KNOWING your body type is so important.If you’re not getting the results you want at the gym you should listen to this episode. Also we discussed how to combat hormonal imbalance and gut health issues. We hope this episode during BUILDING TO BLOOM: November all about physical well-being helps you love the body you're in and figure out once in for all how to take care of it. Xoxo, 🌻G & Z🌻 Join the field at thestrongsunflowers.com & follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thestrongsunflowers/ Building to Bloom is in full affect, get your FREE PDF at thestrongsunflowers.com Jaiana’s instagram: @Jaiana.francis Take her FREE body type quiz