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Estonia’s least known unicorn, culture of disciplined freedom, challenges of 2nd time founders & strategy of Musk at Twitter w/ Kristian Sägi (Dynatrace, ex-Playtech)
Kristian Sägi is ex-Founder and CTO of Playtech mobile division that he built up from 0 to 120 M USD annual revenue in his 10 years with the company. He later went on to co-found Nevercode and is now part of Dynatrace Tallinn.In this episode we talk about:The story of Kristian and the unicorn PlaytechCulture of disciplined freedomWill Elon Musk succeed in turning Twitter aroundKeeping a company agileEntrepreneurship principlesLife advice for founders and ambitious people=====<br/><br/>The support for this episode comes from Gegidze.com - they build remote tech and marketing teams for leading European companies in Georgia and the region.Find developers in just a few weeks instead of searching for months!It’s fast, it’s smooth, it’s cost efficient. They take care of all the paperwork, provide office space and other ancillary services. Go check them out at Gegidze.comAnd don’t forget to mention that you heard about them from us using the promo code Pursuit50 for 50% off the recruitment fee!===Find other episodes on > https://www.pursuitofscrappiness.co/ Watch select full-length episodes on our YouTube channel > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6ueaLnjS-CQfrMCm2EoTA ===Connect with us on Linkedin > https://www.linkedin.com/company/pursuit-of-scrappiness/ Questions/suggestions? Join our Telegram group > https://t.me/pursuitofscrappiness