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Event Horizon, Dinosaurs, Meatloaf - I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) | 90's Roulette Podcast
The super special surprise 10th episode of the 90's Roulette Podcast debuts the dealer's choice hand-picked selections by Mike, Garrett, and Jesse. Dalton refused to participate (surprise), so all he managed to sneak in was how music is just sound and the boys should really focus on creating an absolute hit show called "Busted". Event Horizon - 00:08:59 Dinosaurs - 01:36:05 Meatloaf - I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) - 02:10:40 Thanks again for listening, and check us out on patreon.com/90sroulettepodcast if you'd like more content not covered in the normal show.
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