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Exocast-65 b: Launching #ExoCup2022
It’s everyone’s favourite time of year. No, not because of halloween, leaf-peeping or mulled wine – because it’s #ExoCup season! Yes, for the sixth time, Hannah, Hugh & Andrew will use the power to twitter polls to let the public decide which single exoplanet deserves to wear the crown as the people’s champion for 2022. In this special episode, we reveal the planets chosen for the 2022 edition – including 24 from the exoplanet literature, and 8 “wild cards” chosen by our hosts. We then draw the groups and make our predictions for who will go the distance, and who will make a quiet first-round exit. The first polls will open on November 6th, with the grand final one month later on December 5th. Head over to twitter to join in with the polls by following @ExocastExoCup.