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Facing Demons (Season 1 Update: Part II)
This episode is the second of a three-part update on Appalachian Mysteria Season 1 — Mared & Karen: The WVU Coed Murders. Without a doubt, these three episodes will be the most important updates since the season finished airing in 2018. In this episode, we’re reintroduced to Danny Strakal, host of the YouTube series Spirit Walk Paranormal. Danny’s history with the spirit realm began in his childhood, but his full-scale investigations began after the release of our first podcast season. A viewer of Danny’s channel connects him with Dave Campbell, another man who was there at the moment Mared and Karen’s bodies were discovered. After spending time together on several investigations, Dave claims to have received a vision of two men that he believes are the murderers. When Sarah shows him a lineup of our best suspects, he tells us that two of the men — members of the same family that lived in the hollow where the girls were killed — were known to pick up and rape hitchhikers. This leads to the first of two damning testimonies from members of their family. Their niece struggles with the dark history of her childhood, and their sister finally reveals a story that had been sworn to secrecy. The WVU Coed Murders: Who Killed Mared & Karen? — Geoff & Sarah’s book, now available at Amazon. Coming in at 400 pages, the book goes into much greater detail than the podcast could allow for, and is the first mention of the new suspects we talk about in this episode and the next. Spirit Walk Paranormal: Closer to the Truth — Video of the Spirit Walk crew’s visit and interview with Dave Campbell.