Felix Atkin, Sharesy: supporting local spaces by getting people to put money back into their community 🏫⛪

0 Views· 07/18/23
Founders For Good
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Felix Atkin is the CEO and Founder of Sharesy. During COVID Felix started to explore why local schools weren’t renting out their unused spaces to generate much needed additional income. Most still took bookings via pen and paper, on average requiring 30 interactions before a booking was completed. This was frustrating for both the venue and the booker.Felix recognised this was a much wider problem with community spaces– church halls, scout huts, community centres – they all had unused spaces that they struggled to rent out.Enter Sharesy. In a few simple clicks, people can find and book spaces in their local community. Their unique model operates on a success only basis, so venues can sign up for free and only pay when a booking is made. Sharesy are on a mission to help local communities to thrive, by encouraging people to book local venues and put money back into their community. Highlights: 02.00: Spotting the need for small schools to generate side income 04.58: Community spaces struggling to rent out their spaces  07.38: The issue with existing SaaS solutions 11.53: The early days of Sharesy: Angels, lockdown and raising £750k in 6 weeks 20.06: Removing the barriers for venues to use Sharesy 28.23: Pricing experiments and repeat bookings 34.07: Funding, Angels vs VC 43.02: Felix’s biggest learns as a Founder 48.10: The importance of knowing what you need to hire for  
Our Host:
Craig Turner. Founder of Confido Talent, a business that helps Tech For Good startups to scale their product, design and engineering teams.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigturner7/ / www.confidotalent.com / craig@confidotalent.com

Our Guest:
Felix Atkin, Founder and CEO of Sharesy.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/felixatkin/ / https://www.sharesy.com/ Our Sponsor:
Jobs For Good. The only job platform to find the best jobs in sustainability, impact and much more.
www.jobsforgood.io / https://bit.ly/3wjwJa0

Our Producer:
Jabriel Al-Suhaimi. Jabriel is a podcast aficionado, editing and producing podcasts for many, including himself.
https://www.jabrielalsuhaimi.com/ / https://twitter.com/jabealsuhaimi 

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