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FINALE: 'I...Lost Nine Years of My Life': A Mass Medical Experiment Breeding Chaos, Infertility, and Regret
“I feel like I lost nine years of my life.” That’s how Laura Beth Perry Smalts now sees the nine years she desperately tried to live as a transgender man.
Smalts, a Christian who now openly shares her journey of gender confusion, explained the conundrum she once found herself in.
“I just thought [I was a] man born in a woman's body,” Smalts said on the final chapter of the “Generational Indoctrination” podcast. “And I just needed to fix the body.”
Smalts’ quest to transition, though, led her on a quest to desperately try to prove she was anything but her biological gender. She ended up taking hormones and having surgery to change every aspect of her body — including the removal of her reproductive system — to match her internal feelings.
“There was all the regret too, of just the things that I've done to my body — the fact that I didn't have breasts anymore,” she explained. “And I ended up getting married and my husband didn't know if I'd ever have breasts again. I was able to get breast surgery about three months ago and get implants, but it's not the same.”
Smalts, who became a Christian while still living as a transgender man and eventually de-transitioned, now ponders why none of the doctors caring for her mentioned the damaging nature of the medical procedures she was engaging in.
“It's so maddening when I look back … where are the doctors that were willing to say, ‘Hey, wait a second, this is really not good for your body?’” Smalts said.
Listen to Smalts and others discuss the perils of the transgender movement in the final chapter of "Generation Indoctrination."