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Four Reasons to Scrap ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ w/ Mark Burgess
Mark has a BA from The University of Melbourne majoring in History and is a passionate advocate for classical liberalism. He is a former intern at the Institute of Public Affairs and was the 2016 School Captain of Xavier College in Melbourne.While currently working in the retail-property industry, Mark remains devoted toward pushing the case for greater economic and political freedom.He fervently believes that libertarianism is the most effective way in enabling the flourishing of individuals, and as such, humanity as a whole.
https://www.young-voices.com/advocate/mark-burgess/ Four reasons to scrap ‘diversity and inclusion’https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/11/four-reasons-to-scrap-diversity-and-inclusion/ This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at Betterhelp.com/gml and get on your way to being your best self. Join the private discord & chat during the show!joingml.com Invest in your future & your human capital today natescrashcourse.com Like our intro song?https://www.3pillmorning.comAdvertise on our podcast!
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