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Free Leftovers
In this episode, host Cassandra Ryder interviews Dr. Jess Dominguez (she/her) about her bad date stories! These stories serve as a great reminder that not all bad dates lead to the end of a relationship, and can instead strengthen relationships and bring people closer together. Listen to find out how troublesome it can be when a random stranger inserts themselves into your first date conversation, why mystery beer vending machines in dive bars can be a great date activity, what you can expect when your date needs an EpiPen halfway through dinner. As bonus content, you will also hear Cassandra blatantly forget her own dissertation co-advisor’s research (sorry Dr. Sharabi!). Along the way, Cassandra and Jess discuss communication concepts such as homophily, social penetration theory, and the communicative interdependence perspective. Please email all bad date stories and any dating advice questions that relate to communication to thedateescapepodcast@gmail.com in order to have your story or question analyzed anonymously on a future episode.Please remember to rate and review this podcast wherever you listen. Your feedback is much appreciated!Sponsor: www.agedandinfused.comPodcast Website: www.thedateescape.com