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We all have had a frenemy at one time in our life or maybe you have one in your life now. It's sad that some people say they are our besties. (I hate that term) best friends and yet you turn around and catch them rolling their eyes at you. They are out there. <br/>Here are some some insights on a frenemy. If you should hear more than one of these insights in your bestie 🤮 it's time to reconsider your friendship. <br/><br/>Just a reminder I am not a therapist. These only my opinions.<br/>❤️Henrie<br/><br/>#frenemy<br/>#bestie<br/>#bf<br/>#backstabberThanks again for listening, <br/>Henrie <br/><br/>Go find your Blessings! <br/><br/>Tickettolife022@gmail.com<br/>Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram<br/>Ticket To Life