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Friendship, A Study in Longevity and Joy
Last month, the US surgeon general released a 85-page advisory declaring loneliness a new public health epidemic. The report stated that more than half of Americans are chronically lonely and noted that the health effects of social disconnection can be significant, including increased risks of anxiety, depression, heart disease, dementia, and stroke. Some blame the pandemic for the rise in isolation. Others point to technology and social media. So what can we do about it? This episode will explore perspectives on how to create and maintain healthy social connections.We explore together:Suggestions on how to maintain healthy social connections.A discussion on what friendships are good for you and why. How social media influences friendship interactions and how to be on the watch for who truly values you. Follow Up Materials:'Friendship in the Age of Loneliness; - In this 2021 book, Adam Poswolsky proposes practical strategies for creating meaningful connections and deepening relationships'Together' In his 2020 book, Dr. Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, encourages everyone to spend time each day with those you love, to focus on relationships instead of productivity and to help others. He argues that service is a form of connection that reminds us of our value and purpose in life'The Loneliest Whale' this poignant 2021 documentary follows the search for an elusive whale dubbed 52, which scientists believe has spent its entire life in solitude because it calls out at a frequency that other whales can't hear.Lastly, take inventory regularly of your friendships and how do they make you feel. Do you feel uplifted and supported? What types of friendships might you be lacking in your life? Take the steps to do additional out reach and invest in others so you have a strong social connection and network.