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From Cancer Diagnosis to Organic Muscle w/ James Benefico
#12 Men often lose focus in their attempts to accomplish lofty goals. The obstacles mount up, and the ambition begins to fade. Instead of locking in on inspiration to continue, they lock in on obstacles as reasons to stop, only to go back to being comfortable until they are ready to try again.In this episode, you’re going to hear how James Benefico, founder of Organic Muscle, used his Mom’s cancer diagnoses as inspiration to take on the chemical-laden supplement industry with a completely organic line of products.In addition, James opens up about his obsessive personality, almost dying after taking a chemically constructed pre-workout, and his best friend's death, which wrecked his life for a short time.Through all the obstacles, James has pushed forward with the Organic Muscle mission of providing the cleanest, most beneficial supplements on earth. It ain’t easy, but he’s doing it.You can get 15% off your Organic Muscle supplements at:https://www.organicmuscle.com/....discount/commitOrgan Muscle on IG: https://www.instagram.com/organic_muscle/