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From Motorola to Moneyball with Marty Gilbert
If you're looking to scale your business through podcasts, get invited on our CEO Wisdom podcast OR drop Charles a message on his Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sdr-as-a-service
In this episode, Marty Gilbert discusses his extensive career journey and the evolution of the job market. Marty, the founder and CEO of North Shore Executive Networking Group, shares his experiences from working in large corporations like Motorola to leading a sports information company that served as the foundation for the movie "Moneyball". He emphasizes the importance of personal branding in the job search, cautioning against relying solely on artificial intelligence tools like GPT for crafting resumes or LinkedIn profiles. Marty believes that while AI can assist, it's the human touch that truly makes a difference. He also touches on the changing dynamics of the corporate world, where long-term loyalty between companies and employees has diminished. The conversation also delves into the challenges of entrepreneurship, with Marty noting that not everyone is cut out for the risks and demands of starting a business.
If you're looking to scale your business through podcasts, get invited on our CEO Wisdom podcast OR drop Charles a message on his Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sdr-as-a-service