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Wednesday, February 7: Marty And Ryan's House Fire Story; Jay From Dew Drop Inn; What Las Vegas Is Like This Week
A fire in Milford this week claimed the home of longtime listeners and friends of the show, Marty and his son, Ryan. Chaz and AJ invited them in studio this morning, happy that everyone was able to make it out safely, but offering help in any way possible. (0:00)
Jay Carlucci is the owner of the Dew Drop Inn in Derby, consistently ranked as some of the best wings in the state of Connecticut. Jay took a few minutes out of his busiest week of the year to explain how high the demand is for wings ahead of the Super Bowl, why they offer so many different flavors, and the Super Bowl foods he looks forward to after making thousands of wings for everyone. (17:22)
Las Vegas is playing host this year for the Super Bowl. Jen G, the VegasStarfish, was on to explain what it looks like in Vegas right now, and why there is a big push to make the Super Bowl in Vegas every season. (30:51)
Image Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports