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Funny Medicine Episode 11: Blood Types
Our runner up topic on the last poll! Lots of you wanted to hear about blood types and here it is! On this episode, we try to stay on the topic of blood types and go off to the most random tangents we have ever gone to till this day. But, Yvy goes into what are the different blood types and why they're important and other interesting information about... blood. Sources: https://www.blood.co.uk/why-gi....ve-blood/blood-types Gilmiyarova., N., A., Kolotyeva., V., I., Kuzmicheva., O, A, Gusyakova., I., A., Borodina., G., M., Baisheva., I, A, Selezneva. (2019). Blood group and human diseases (review of literature).. Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika, 65(4):216-221. doi: 10.18821/0869-2084-2020-65-4-216-221https://link.springer.com/cont....ent/pdf/10.1186/s128 Kerdkaewngam., Jintana, Tubrod. (2015). The Differences of Nine Blood Groups System in the Three Major Ethnicities of Human. Journal of the Medical Technologist Association of Thailand, 43(1)https://www.nature.com/article....s/s41435-021-00137-5