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Funny Medicine Episode 16: Bryan Johnson
🎧 Get ready to laugh, be amazed, shocked, and maybe even rethink your skincare routine as we spill the beans on Brian Johnson's wild anti-aging adventure, as seen on a Bloomberg article by Ashlee Vance in 2023! 🤯 Picture this: Brian Johnson, a guy who's practically living in a time machine, all while almost being a human lab rat. We're talking about a man who's made aging his arch-nemesis and isn't letting it win! In this episode, we're serving up some top-secret anti-aging gossip straight from the man himself. 😲 Find out what bizarre treatments, potions, and diets he's on just to stay and even become younger. 🤢🤮 Expect laughs, jaw-dropping revelations, and a whole lot of "What the hell?!" moments as we uncover the juiciest tidbits from Brian's anti-aging experiments. Did he discover the real-life "Benjamin Button" formula, or is he just sipping from the Fountain of Youth like it's happy hour? 🍹👶 So, if you're tired of those pesky wrinkles, or if you just want to see what it's like to age in reverse, join us for a hilarious and eye-opening article we go through about Brian Johnson. Hit that subscribe button and get ready for the ride of your life – the anti-aging adventure of Brian Johnson awaits! 🌟 #AgelessBrian #FountainOfYouthVibes #podcastparty Sources: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-22/bryan-johnson-s-anti-aging-blood-transfusion-involves-dad-and-son?srnd=premium&leadSource=uverify%20wall&sref=MTy2GeXk#xj4y7vzkg https://www.bloomberg.com/news..../features/2023-01-25 https://nypost.com/2023/05/22/....anti-aging-fanatic-w https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3569 https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/....article/young-blood- https://www.bloomberg.com/news..../features/2023-01-25 #funnymedicinepodcast #funnymedicine #funny #patreon #podcasting #podcasts #brianjohnson #antiaging #antiagingtreatment #surgery #cosmetic #anatomy #comedy #hilarious #podcast #podcasts #medicine #medstudent #medical #doctor #medschool #medicina #hospital #med #nurse #medicalstudent #futuredoctor #medlife #doctors #premed #healthcare #experiments #art #science #design #photography #experiment #artist #love