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Funny Medicine Episode 8: Alcohol Flush Reaction
On today's episode, we talk about Alcohol Flush Reaction aka Asian Glow. Yvy dives into what it is, how it happens and why. And the tangents in this episode are inevitable since our ADHDs were seemingly very uncontrolled on this recording day. Follow us on Instagram @FunnyMedicinePodcast TikToks at @FunnyMedicinePodcast And submit your medically related stories to our email: FunnyMedicine305@gmail.comSources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go....v/25271825/https://w (disulfiram) [prescribing information]. North Wales, PA: Teva Pharmaceuticals; September 2015.Carroll KM, Nich C, Ball SA, McCance E, Rounsavile BJ. Treatment of cocaine and alcohol dependence with psychotherapy and disulfiram. Addiction. 1998;93(5):713-727. doi:10.1046/j.1360-Antizol (fomepizole injection) [prescribing information]. Dover, DE: Paladin Labs (USA) Inc; December 2020.Kosten TR, O'Connor PG. Management of drug and alcohol withdrawal. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:1786.