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Funny Medicine Episode 9: Energy Drinks
On this derailed episode, we discuss and digress on all things ENERGY DRINKS!!! We talk about how much we love them, their benefits, and of course their potential dangers. And as always, our tangents are incredible. We promise this episode was not sponsored by Celsius... lol.Sources:https://www.nytimes.com/2023/0....6/09/business/prime- Drink Consumption: Beneficial and Adverse Health EffectsAhmed Abdulrahman Alsunni, MBBS, PhDInt J Health Sci (Qassim). 2015 Oct; 9(4): 468–474. PMCID: PMC4682602PMID: 26715927Health risks of energy drinks: what nurses and consumers need to know.Janis R. Guilbeau1•Institutions (1)30 Sep 2012-Nursing for Women's Health (Elsevier)-Vol. 16, Iss: 5, pp 423-428Health hazards of Energy Drinks and positive actions by Saudi Government.Zahid Naeem24 May 2014-International journal of health sciences (Qassim University)-Vol. 8, Iss: 2Health hazards of Energy Drinks and positive actions by Saudi Government.Zahid Naeem24 May 2014-International journal of health sciences (Qassim University)-Vol. 8, Iss: 2Risk of Energy Drink Consumption to Adolescent Health.Lyndsey D. Ruiz1, Rachel E. Scherr1•Institutions (1)31 Dec 2018-American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (Am J Lifestyle Med)-Vol. 13, Iss: 1, pp 22-25Energy drinks mixed with alcohol: what are the risks?Cecile A. Marczinski1, Mark T. Fillmore2•Institutions (2)30 Sep 2014-Nutrition Reviews (NIH Public Access)-Vol. 72, pp 98-107Energy Drinks: An Assessment of the Potential Health Risks in the Canadian ContextJoel Rotstein, Jennifer Barber, Carl Strowbridge +3 more23 Jun 2013-pp 1Health Effects and Public Health Concerns of Energy Drink Consumption in the United States: A Mini-ReviewLaila Al-Shaar1, Kelsey A. Vercammen1, Chang Lu1 +3 more•Institutions (1)30 Aug 2017-Frontiers in Public Health (Frontiers)-Vol. 5, pp 225-225Health hazards related to energy drinks: Are we looking for them?Danielle Taddeo1, Johanne Harvey, Ariane Boutin•Institutions (1)31 Jan 2012-Paediatrics and Child Health (Pulsus Group)-Vol. 17, Iss: 2, pp 101-101