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GBTA Ladders | Meet the Season 9 Winning Team, Travel Change!
In this podcast, we discuss GBTA Ladders and speak with the Season 9 winning team, Travel Change! The group discusses the premise of their project and how rounding up on every travel transaction can be a force for change in today’s world!<br /> <br /> Moderating the discussion is Grace Morrisey, Director, Travel & Expense, General Atlantic and GBTA Ladders Co-Chair who is joined by members of the Season 9 winning team:<br /> • Anja Turner, Vice President, Marketing & Communications, BCD Travel<br /> • Kayleigh Rogers, Consulting Manager, American Express GBT<br /> • Micha van Eijk, Senior Product Manager, Emburse<br /> • Stevie-Leigh Harrison, Global Product Manager, TakeTwo Travel Solutions<br /> • Lorena Hurtado, Marketing and Digital Manager, Avianca Airlines<br /> • Itzetl Villanueva, Enterprise Global Sales Manager, Delta Air Lines Music track is Space Jazz by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)<br /> Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License<br /> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/