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Getting Ahead after Dental School 2023 – IC042
As promised – the 2nd episode in a week specifically for new graduates looking to map out their career. After last week’s episode on making a Dental Portfolio, this time we are joined by Dr. Ajay Dhunna, a soaring young dentist who graduated in 2018. Join us as we uncover his journey from dental school to becoming an associate, and gain valuable insights on how to excel in your dental career. https://youtu.be/QP8ggPjqYxc Watch IC042 on Youtube Communication and collaboration are crucial aspects of dentistry, and Dr. Dhunna emphasises their significance. We look at the value of shadowing clinicians in different areas of dentistry, attending conferences, and networking events – discover how these interactions can sharpen your language and communication skills! Work-life balance and well-being are essential for a successful dental career. Dr. Dhunna and Jaz discuss practical strategies for managing stress, taking breaks, and maintaining a healthy personal life. Learn from his experiences and gain valuable tips on reflection, communication, dental photography, career development, and work-life balance. Here are some resources we promised: An Introduction to Dental Photography<br />Trinity Dental Courses Highlights of the episode: 01:12 An introduction to Dr. Ajay Dhunna<br />06:46 Going from a newbie dentist to an associate<br />08:28 Reflection and the importance of clinical photos<br />09:10 Attending courses<br />12:09 Photography and setup<br />18:41 Communication<br />26:43 Planning your next career move<br />33:37 Being proactive and portfolio presentation<br />38:40 Maintaining your personal life and managing stress<br />42:50 Trinity Dental Courses If you enjoyed this episode, you will love Not Your Average Young Dentist Journey