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Give SMS Your Best with Andrew Veatch and Jon Caruso from Mongoose
Andrew Veatch, VP of Technology at Mongoose Research, and Jon Caruso, a Product Manager also at Mongoose, join FYI host Gil Rogers for a conversation about the changing landscape of SMS compliance, particularly in the ways it affects Higher Education. Still emerging from a time in which there were practically no rules, in the current environment it is very important to understand the expectations, regulations, and also best practices around messaging students from your institution.For Your Institution Podcast is a production of Mongoose Research. Intro | 0:00 Andrew and Jon’s Backgrounds | 1:11Why Institutions Need Compliance | 3:10Where Did the Rules Come From? | 5:10A History of SMS Messaging | 7:28Telecom Companies Cracking Down | 10:25Why Does This Matter? | 13:00Opting In | 15:00The Risks of Compliance | 18:06The Golden Rule Still Applies | 19:40Summary & Closing | 20:24 RELEVANT LINKS:The Mongoose Research WebsiteThe Campaign Registry Website