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Good Ideas | The Black Lincoln Collective Podcast
On a frigid episode the Guys wrap up Halloween and recount their Adventures. We also talk about kids stealing candy. We talk spam and vienna sausage, and we start getting ready for Thanksgiving. Parker shares are his best ideas, to mixed results. Who is JellyRoll? We talk about the lottery, and Parker's close call with the billion dollars. Then it's time for Parker's Entertainment news, On this week's scathing report, we talk James Corden, Fish Trickery, The Kardasians, and We appeal to Mario Van Peebles again. We talk about joke stealing, and we have a very special sponsor this week. Watch for dangerous language, kids. We also talk about the Fast and the Furious, and laser disks. It's dad jokes galore this week on the BLC Podcast. Next week, we have the guys from CRE Entertainment, and we will pitch them some ideas. Tune in!