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Grace in the Shadows Season 2 Episode 165 Exploring Prophetic Signs of the End Times: From Climate Change to the Rise of Cashless Societies
Ever wondered how current global developments, from climate change to the rise of cashless societies, mirror prophetic signs of the end times? We're stirring up a thought-provoking conversation about the rapture, viewed through the prism of a timeline spanning roughly 6000 years since creation and nearly 2000 years since Christ's resurrection. We piece together how these timelines suggest that the millennial reign of Christ could follow a literal 6000 year reign of man, and examine the growing Messianic expectation among Israel's religious leaders. Tune in as we also delve into the intriguing role of the Pope in the one-world system.<br/><br/>As we move forward, we critically discuss the deepening desensitization to violence and darkness in our society, its implications, and the transition to a cashless society. The recent dedication of the third temple and altar, and the increased accessibility of the gospel globally are also on our radar. We'll also explore how climate change impacts mirror end-of-world prophecies. Wrapping up, we find solace in 1 Thessalonians 4, discussing the encouraging promise of the rapture and how God, in His infinite power, transforms the most challenging situations into messages for His glory. Join us on this insightful journey.<br/><br/>You can contact Dr. Jonathan and Dr. Marla Behler:<br/><br/>graceintheshadowsor.org<br/>drjonathan@graceintheshadowsor.org<br/>(251) 244-4645<br/><br/>*If you are searching for a clinical counselor and you live in Alabama, Virginia, or North Carolina, Dr. Jonathan Behler would be happy to see you as a client! He does all counseling virtually through a secure portal. He will also work with you on payments - don't let finances keep you from getting counseling!<br/><br/>If you live out of the US or not in Alabama, Virginia, or North Carolina, Dr. Jonathan Behler is an ordained minister and trained in pastoral counseling. If you are seeking pastoral counseling, please reach out as well!<br/><br/>Check out our Etsy<br/>store and buy merch: https://shadowsofgrace.etsy.com<br/><br/>https://www.facebook.com/Grace-in-the-Shadows-109541368379527Consider becoming a supporter of our show!<br/>https://www.buzzsprout.com/1966440/supporters/new<br/><br/>Consider using Covenant Eyes -Covenant Eyes helps you and the ones you love live porn-free through transformative accountability relationships.<br/><br/>Use our promo code grace1998 to get 1 month free of Covenant Eyes Porn Blocker http://covenanteyes.sjv.io/Zd202RSupport the show