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Guy Walker - Why ADHD is his superpower and key to running multiple brands and markets
Podcast Partners - Claim your exclusive savings with the links below.Vincere - https://recruitmentmentorspodc....ast.captivate.fm/vin - https://hubs.la/Q017bVC70-----....-------------------- the episode on Youtube 🎥 - https://youtu.be/UdjZW4MIUh8--....-------------------- key takeaways from this episode are as follows:🚀 You’ll learn about work life balance and why Guy’s motto of “family first” is such a core value for his business🚀 You’ll get some solid advice on growing brands and the importance of a great risk strategy🚀 Caring about training and development and why it’s the #1 struggle for many recruitment businesses🚀 ADHD and why it’s Guy’s superpower, plus how he harnesses it to manage multiple businesses-----------------------------------------This week I’m joined by Guy Walker, CEO of over 5+ recruitment brands in the UK. He started his journey 8 years ago as a consultant, and now is the successful CEO and Founder of multiple recruitment brands since 2019!It was great to sit down with him and talk about his multiple “roles” as well as how he’s able to manage so many businesses successfully.You can connect with Guy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guyawalker/ -----------------------------------------Find out how Recruitment Mentors can accelerate the performance of your recruitment teams with modern and engaging online learning delivered by current high performing recruitment professionals 🚀https://www.recruitmentmentors.....com/--------------- hope you enjoyed the episode, the best place to connect with me is on Linkedin - Hishem AzzouzIf you would love me to cover certain topics with future guests please drop me a message.Finally, if you have been enjoying the podcast and you have two minutes then it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave a review.You can do so with this link - Support the podcast and leave a review here.