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Handling Triggering Conversations
Are you tired of getting triggered by conversations or messages? In this episode, I reveal ten mindful strategies to help you let go of those intense emotions and feel better. Learn how to unlock the secret to handling triggering conversations.In this episode, you will be able to:Gain insight into adjusting your point of view when confronted with provocative discussions or messages.Learn effective techniques for managing feelings before respondingUnderstand the significance of pausing before reacting to emotionally loaded messages.Discover how to look from the viewpoint of the other person and empathize with them.Master the art of emotional disconnection and examining the message merely as text on a screen.<br/>The key moments in this episode are:00:00:01 - Introduction00:01:12 - Shifting Perspectives00:09:40 - Building IntimacySign up for a private 1-hour coaching session with Trista to learn how to process your emotions and take control of your emotional well-being. Click HERE to sign up now.Subscribe, rate, and review This Daring Adventure podcast on Apple Podcasts to show your support and help others discover the show.