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Harmonising Art and Entrepreneurship: Conversations with Guillaume Descottes
In this episode, Guillaume Descottes, the founder of Vialma, a groundbreaking platform at the intersection of technology and music, shares his remarkable journey, starting from a career in Private Equity to the formation of Vialma. Guillaume dives into the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, reflecting on the importance of ego and the impact of hiring talented interns on his business early on. With a passion for the arts and a desire to make a positive impact, Guillaume sheds light on Vialma's work in the digital music space. He also delves into the transformative power of AI in the industry and the need for Europe to carve its own path to avoid being overshadowed by dominant American players. Join us as we unravel Guillaume's intriguing insights into the music industry, entrepreneurship, and the intersection of innovation and impact. Get ready to be inspired and informed in this captivating episode of Behind Startup Lines!Highlights:(04:59) Protect the value you are delivering to your customers (11:11) The importance of partnerships and how to make them work(13:22) The impact of AI on the music industry (18:20) Taking the leap from PE investor to start-up entrepreneur (23:09) Your ego is probably your best friend and your worst friend (25:15) Being comfortable about being uncomfortable (32:23) Remote working and finding the sense of purpose of working together (34:34) Not every customer has explicit pain points!(35:32) The differences between doing business and innovation in Europe vs the USA(38:36) The current state of startup funding in Europe (43:33) Decrease the churn and increase brand engagement by linking customer KPIs(45:01) Building trust and long-term relationships for the future (51:03) Understand who influences the decision to buy your product (52:50) Advice to founders about making the leap to starting a business (56:57) The importance of having your product team talk to customers(59:23) Quickfire Behind Startup Lines question: Marching to the sound of the drums For more information:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipguest/Website: https://www.revcelerate.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilGuesty