Harry Whittaker – Atlas: The Pa Salt Story
Harry Whittaker inherited a heartbreaking task when his mother, the international best-selling author, Lucinda Riley, died in 2021. Millions of readers around the world were eagerly awaiting the last book in her acclaimed Seven Sisters series and Harry accepted the challenge of being the one to finish it. Hi there. I’m your host, Jenny Wheeler and on Binge Reading today, we have a special treat. Harry talks about how he tackled the final book in the series, Atlas, The Pa salt story, as the labour of love for his cherished mother. And how he’s now moving on finding his author voice with books that are very much his own. BookSweeps Draw This Week We’ve got a BookSweeps Draw of Literary, Historical and Book Club Fiction. which includes Sadie’s Vow, #1 in my Home At Last trilogy. If you haven’t read Sadie’s Vow, you can enter to win it on BookSweeps today, plus 25+ extra books, exciting literary, historical and book club fiction from a great collection of authors, as well as the brand new E reader. Details for where to enter the draw are on the show notes for this episode on The Joys Of Binge Reading website. (www.thejoysofbingereading.com) And remember if you enjoy the show, leave us a review, so others will find us too. Word of mouth is still the best way for others to discover the show and great books they will love to read. ENTER BOOKSWEEPS DRAW Links for Information in this episode Lucinda Riley –Video on conceiving The Seven Sisters: