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Health Hacks for Living Longer and Better
In this week's podcast, we're going to touch upon Longevity Secrets from Intermittent Fasting to Laughing Therapy. In our endless quest for the proverbial fountain of youth, the answers might come from unexpected areas. The combination of intermittent fasting, Pilates, ice baths, and laughing therapy might seem unusual. Yet, these practices offer potential benefits that could contribute to longer, healthier lives. Tune into the discussion with Muge Wood and Christine Zmuda. If you are looking for more information following the session, we recommend these resources:Intermittent Fasting - Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston are all famous people who claim to do Intermittent Fasting. If you want to try this, you pick any 8 hour window of time that works for you to eat and then abstain for the other 16 hours. See if it works for you. Ice baths - there are now portable ice baths that you can buy to try on your own. If you want to warm up to the idea (lol) - try just putting your shower to cold and see how long you can stay under it. Even 10 to 15 seconds can help improve immunity, resilience, improve the condition of your hair and skin, increase your metabolism, and also alertness. Pilates - Here's a short 20 minute - Beginner's Wall Pilates where you use your own resistance to build muscle - Beginner Wall Pilates | 20 min at-home Workout - Bing video and check out your local Barre classes. These are both great workouts! Laughter Yoga - Try this 5 minute 5 Minute Laughter Yoga Workout - Bing video I guarantee you it will make you laugh and really confuse your spouse or partner at home. Set-up your exercise schedule a week out/plan on Sunday and do not move it unless you have a true emergency. Not because you want to use the time to respond to 10 more emails.