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Heather Choate Davis: Requiem in the City
Meet Heather Choate Davis! She describes herself as "a Renaissance woman with a deeply mystical and sacramental grounding," but some might recognize he as a kind-hearted creative woman who is passionate about connecting with the people around her. In this episode, learn more about who Heather is as we discuss her latest project, Requiem in the City. Joined by Lauren and Shane Welter, hear about how Heather and Shane created the song and story of Requiem in the City as they captured the picture of a city busker coming to faith through the sacred space of church architecture and caring individuals.<br/>Requiem in the City will be released on October 6th, 2023 on all streaming platforms including YouTube. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!<br/>To learn more about Heather, visit her website: https://heatherchoatedavis.com/Support the show