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Here we go, Sunday FUNDAY here with the girls in Pattaya, Thailand
Today we have 4 beautiful guests. Come join the fun packed show all about Pattaya, life here and things you should or maybe shouldn't know about here in our wonderful city!Come join the fun and laughter and feel free to ask your questions or interact with the crowd. There is no agenda other than a couple of updates, the rest we just wing it as we go...well I do.But here in Pattaya there is so much to talk about and I guess that is what makes our city so fascinating and brigs people back year after year.So, if you love Pattaya City, jump in, have a watch and who knows, you may even enjoy the show......⭐⭐If you would like to support our page please use this email here - paypal - trev@trevknight.co.uk ⭐⭐Join Discord - https://discord.gg/hftTP6AwHOW TO USE DISCORD - https://youtu.be/-6NHmH4uZtwJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQrO...📲🤖🤖DISCORD CHAT AREA🤖🤖📲📲Join Pattaya's fastest growing chat platform here - https://discord.gg/xUzhNuSwK8📻📻 BUZZIN RADIO - LISTEN HERE - http://bit.ly/BuzzinRadio 📻📻OUR WEBSITE - 🌏🌍 https://buzzpattaya.com/ 🌏🌍 ✅PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND PRESS THE BELL🔔ICON➡️ https://bit.ly/37hydn8✅BUSINESS QUERIES➡️ 247pattaya@gmail.com🎬CHECK OUT OUR POPULAR PLAYLISTS:👇☕ COFFEE CHATS ➡️ http://bit.ly/buzzin-coffeechats👞 WALKABOUTS ️