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Highway of Tears, Human Trafficking, and Israel Keyes
Dive into the mysterious world of the 'Highway of Tears' in our latest episode. Discover the haunting secrets of this infamous stretch in British Columbia, Canada, known for a high number of unsolved disappearances and homicides since the late 1960s.Explore the narratives of the victims, bringing to light the chilling realities that shroud this infamous highway. We consider the possibility of a connection between these unsolved cases and the notorious serial killer, Israel Keyes, scrutinizing his travel history and unique methods.Additionally, we dissect the potential role of human trafficking in these disappearances, understanding how the remote location and pervasive mysteries make the Highway of Tears a potential hotspot for this global issue. We review the societal and systemic factors that contribute to these crimes, emphasizing the need for change.The episode concludes with a spotlight on the most recent cases, underlining the persistent cycle of violence and disappearance that plagues the Highway of Tears. Tune in and join us on this journey of uncovering the untold stories of the Highway of Tears.Join the conversation! If you can afford to donate, we are looking to cover the monthly expenses, and start doing video uploads:Donate: https://paypal.me/fundeadpeople?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_USNewWebsite!: https://www.makingfunofdeadpeople.com/Email: makingfunofdeadpeople@gmail.comTwitter: @fundeadpeople