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How Ion Protocol is Ethereum’s Oracle w/ Chunda McCain - Flywheel #69
Join DeFiDave and Kiet in this latest episode of Flywheel as they sit down with the visionary founder of ION Protocol, Chunda Mccain! Discover the insights behind the fastest-growing sector in the industry: Ethereum LSDs post-merge.Highlights:💰 The massive influx of ETH into stETH, rETH, sfrxETH, and more.🕰️ The struggles smaller competitors face with Chainlink oracles and the challenges Sam K highlighted.⛓️ Unpacking the Beacon Chain's limitations and its effects on DeFi integrations.🌐 Introduction to the game-changing ION Protocol and its revolutionary approach to oracles for collateral underwriting.🔐 Dive deep into ION's "ZK-Enabled Proof-of-Reserve" and the groundbreaking implications of ZK Machine Learning Supported Risk Underwriting.🔄 How ION is set to eliminate the chicken and egg problem in the DeFi lending world.