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How to Avoid Reshoots and Achieve Recurring Partnerships (Solo Episode with Sonia Elyss)
Sonia takes over for this episode and uses her decade worth of experience in influencer marketing to navigate you through avoiding the pitfalls of having to reshoot and drops tons of gems on what she looks for in a Creator she wants to rehire over and over again. Get ready to take notes on this episode full of actionable tips for Creators looking to get a leg up on being rehired after their next partnership.--Find Harley:IG: @theharleyjordan
Code BRANDMEETCREATOR for 10% off Do Less Club
Website: theharleyjordan.comFind Sonia:
IG: @Sonia.Elyss
Website: www.soniaelyss.com
Join the Lip Service Community: https://winno.app/soniaelyss
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