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How To Collapse Time And Move On Purpose With Kent Clothier
On today’s episode of The CLS Experience we have a very delightful treat. He is a real estate tycoon, and the CEO of Real Estate Worldwide, a software training company for real estate investors, and the founder of the Boardroom Mastermind, the most elite real estate investor networking group in the country, no big deal. He's flipped thousands of homes over the past fifteen years and helped tens of thousands of people learn how to do the same, BIG facts. He is passionate about teaching what he's learned in a simple way so that it's easy for anyone to connect the dots AND the way he articulates his knowledge is extremely digestible. He is a fantastic husband and the proud father of three amazing kids, AND he’s here to teach you how to build the ultimate life of your dreams. He’s just a juggernaut in all facets of life and a badass human. Please welcome the dynamic, multifaceted, battle-tested and handsome, abundant Kent Clothier.To learn more about Kent, visit: KentClothier.com or TheBoardroomMastermind.comTo join our community click here.➤ To connect with Kent follow Kent Clothier on Instagram➤ Order a copy of my new book The Reinvention Formula today! ➤ Join our CLS texting community for free daily inspiration and business strategies to elevate your day, text (917) 634-3796To follow The CLS Experience and connect with Craig on Social Media:➤ INSTAGRAM➤ FACEBOOK➤ TIKTOK➤ YOUTUBE➤ WEBSITE➤ LINKEDIN➤ TWITTER➤ CLS TOOLKIT➤ CLS MEMBERSHIP<br/><br/><br/>